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Connie Tsum

上立集團是一家國際性的房地產開發商和物業管理集團,由Sherman Leung 梁智基創立:

2020年11月,梁智基因有違誠信被LOFTER GROUP樂風集團開除


於2021年1月被合作公司AP Global Real Estate 世界物業投資 發出聲明終止合作

之後以UAU上立集團名義開展工作, 最新宣佈已是2021年4月

由時序推算, 梁先生並無實際業績

「擁有超過50年房地產開發經驗的團隊,發展項目遍布中國、香港、美國和澳洲,涵蓋所有的建築規劃。除物業發展項目外,集團還涉足創科投資、法律顧問、影視娛樂、汽車買賣、汽車租賃、紅酒批發、貿易批發零售等業務範疇。集團最新項目為與 Parklands Property Group 聯手發展的澳洲大型項目 Parklands @ Clarendon 」陳述為已粉飾的事實

投資海外物業、移民買樓,對於好多香港人來說可能一直都是很遙遠的事。但在過去的三個月,我們熟悉的香港面臨著史無前例的風浪。不論係環球經濟局勢,還是香港政治體系的動蕩都一一向著我們衝擊。鑒於以上帶來的不明朗因素,越來越多人開始考慮投資移民為自己,為家庭和為下一代準備定一條後路。市面上存在著不同種類的 投資移民 選擇,而今日“上會”將會著重於講解投資 海外物業 需知。在分析到底哪一個國家值得投資之前,我們需要先了解投資海外物業的風險。



Peter is responsible for the overall management of the projects entire lifecycle and holds the position of Senior Project Director at Parklands Clarendon. With over 20 years’ experience in the property and construction industry Peter brings a wealth of expertise and knowhow. Having worked at a local, interstate and international level within finance, property and construction, Peter has a sound knowledge of the property development industry and civil construction process both at a strategic and hands on level. His experience ranges from managing a mid-sized successful property development business to CEO of an integrated property and civil construction business that had annual profits exceeding $25m.

Parklands is a high quality, innovative and sustainable private estate that is designed to offer the best living experience located just outside Brisbane.



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